掌蹠膿疱症の病態(Pathogenesis of palmoplantar pustulosis)






水疱から膿疱になるときに一番大きな役割をするのが、抗菌ペプチド“hCAP-18/LL37”と呼ばれるものです。抗菌ペプチドについての詳細は割愛しますが、いわゆる自然免疫の一つで下等生物から高等生物まで皆が必ず生来持っているシステムです。数多くの抗菌ペプチドが報告されていますが、エクリン汗中に分泌されるペプチドとしてはdermcidinhCAP-18/LL37が代表的です。前者についての説明は割愛させていただきますが、これらペプチドが汗中に含まれることで、汗管内あるいは皮膚表面の抗菌作用に大きく貢献していることが知られています。掌蹠膿疱症のときに生じる水疱内にhCAP-18/LL37が通常より高濃度で含有されることがあきらかとなり、この結果として水疱周囲の角化細胞に炎症性の変化を惹起し、各種炎症性サイトカインが分泌されることで、水疱が膿疱になっていくこと、膿疱周囲の皮膚が赤くなることが想定されるようになりました。また、膿疱形成期にはKLKKallikrein-related peptidase)と呼ばれる角層剥離酵素が過剰に病変部角層に発現するため、掌蹠膿疱症にみられるあの”バキバキ”とした厚い角質が生じる結果につながると想定されるようになりました。



村上 正基

Pathogenesis of palmoplantar pustulosis

Pathogenesis of palmoplantar pustulosis (PPP) remains unclear. However, what is happening and where in your body is gradually getting clear, and whole mechanisms of the disease is getting revealed recently.
The most sensational discovery in PPP was that each pustule of PPP is formed in two steps: A small vesicle is formed first, and white pus emerges from the center of the vesicle in Japanese patients. In other words, pustules on palm and sole originate from vesicles, not pustules.
There is hypothesis that those vesicles related to eccrine sweat glands, because the symptoms of PPP are almost limited on the palm and sole where lots of eccrine glands are distribute. In 2010, it was scientifically proven that PPP vesicles are generated from eccrine sweat and it was reported in medical journal. Still it has not become clear how the vesicles are generated in eccrine gland. The next step is pustular formation, inflammation and hyperkeratosis in epidermis at and around the vesicles which is also reported in English medical journal.

Antimicrobial peptides named hCAP-18/LL37 plays the major role when the vesicles develop into pustules. Every creature possesses antimicrobial peptides by nature. Lots of antimicrobial peptides are recognized, but dermcidin and hCAP-18/LL37 are representative peptides which are secreted into eccrine sweat. Those peptides contribute to antimicrobial function in sweat duct and skin surface. It is assumed that the concentration of hCAP-18/LL37 in vesicles in PPP is higher resulting in stimulation of keratinocyte to induce inflammatory cytokines which causes generation of pustules and erythema around the vesicles. Additionally, kallikrein-related peptidase (KLK), enzyme necessary for desquamation, overexpresses in lesional corneal layer, assumably resulting in thicker horny layers.
There are reasons why you should not peel off or rub the lesional skin. One of the reasons is the honey layer contains abundant elements like complement component 5a (C5a) and interleukin (IL)-8, which recruit neutrophils and induce pustules. Another reasons is keratinocytes contains cytokines like IL-17C and IL-23, and active form of antimicrobial peptide, LL37, in vesicles, which aggravate PPP inflammation of epidermis.

Recently pathological investigation is going on regarding microbiome and difference between PPP and dysidrotic eczema (pompholyx). As a mouse model does not exist in PPP research, we are proceeding with the research by accumulating clinical cases, patients’ experiences, and experiments utilizing clinical materials. We are making best efforts to clarify PPP pathogenesis, so we ask for patients’ cooperation to participate in this reserch.

Masamoto Murakami

