掌蹠膿疱症性骨関節炎の治療2019(Treatment of Pustulotic arthro-osteitis 2019 By Rheumatologists/Orthopedic Surgeon)


掌蹠膿疱症性骨関節炎患者さんの治療は、症状緩和はもちろんのこと、関節変形予防および合併症のリスクを最小限に抑えることが期待されるため、すべての患者さんに積極的な治療が推奨される。 しかし、現在のところエビデンスレベルの高い治療研究データが不十分であり、単一の最適な治療ガイドラインは見当たらない。無作為化試験は行われておらず、治療へのアプローチは、主に症例報告、症例シリーズ、専門家の意見からの情報によって導かれ、個々の患者さんの病状に基づいて行われているのが現状である。
治療方法の一提案としてUpToDATE 2018 Topic 99510 Version 2.0から引用して解説する 1)。本邦の保険未収載薬も含むため治療を受ける際には注意が必要である。


① 骨・関節症のみの患者さん (皮膚症状は消失)
非ステロイド性抗炎症薬(NSAID:痛み止め)を用いた初期治療が推奨される。 NSAIDの障害は、通常、少なくとも2つのNSAIDによる4週間の治療後に効果判定することができる。
これらの初期治療に反応しない患者さんでは、海外では第二選択肢治療法として、サラゾスルファピリジン(未保険適応)やメトトレキセート(MTX 、未保険適応)および腫瘍壊死因子(TNF)阻害薬(未保険適応)等の生物学的製剤も報告されている。
② “末梢性関節炎の患者さん”
③  NSAIDに反応しない体軸性病変(仙腸関節炎、脊椎炎:首・背中・腰・臀部が痛む場合)患者さん
コルヒチン(未保険適応)およびスルファサラジン(未保険適応)は、NSAIDsに十分に反応しないかまたはNSAIDsにて治療効果が認められない軽度の 関節炎の患者さんに用いられる。
④  骨関節症および皮膚症状の両方を有する患者さん
2018年 抗IL-23p19モノクローナル抗体(Guselkumab)が世界に先駆けて本邦で掌蹠膿疱症に対して保険適応となり、皮膚症状の強い患者さん(関節症状を含む)への新たな治療薬が追加された。




特に 口腔内の扁桃・歯根部・副鼻腔の感染巣の検索が大切です。
1 慢性扁桃炎 (一般には“へんとうせん”と呼ばれています)
2 慢性歯髄炎・歯根部膿瘍・歯槽部感染・歯槽膿漏
3 慢性副鼻腔炎(いわゆる “ちくのう“)

一度 感染巣の確認を行いましょう。






1) Joseph F Merola UpToDATE 2018 Topic 99510 Version 2.0

辻 成佳

Treatment of Pustulotic arthro-osteitis 2019
By Rheumatologists/Orthopedic Surgeon

As the treatment of pustulotic arthro-osteitis (PAO) is expected not only to ease the symptoms but also to minimize the risk of comorbidities due to progression of PAO, we recommend to conduct effective treatments for all patients. However, as of today there are not enough treatment study data backed by high evidence level, there is no independent adequate treatment guideline for PAO. Randomized control study is not conducted. The approach to treatments are based on patient’s symptoms guided by case reports, small-case-control studies, or recommendation form experts.

I explain the treatment methods by quoting from UpToDATE 2018 Topic 99510 Version 2.01). Please be careful as some of treatments are not covered by medical insurance.

Drug Therapy (Some drugs are not covered by Japanese medical insurance)

①Patients with arthro-osteitis only (currently no skin symptoms)
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs: pain killer) is recommended for initial treatment. The effectiveness can be judged in 4 weeks at least with two different kinds of NSAID.

There may be improvement by short time oral corticosteroids (prednisolone 10-20mg/day). This is limited to 2 to 4 weeks treatment.

For patients who do not react to those initial treatment, dosage of sulfasalazine (no approval in insurance), methotrexate (no approval in insurance), and TNF inhibitors (no approval in insurance) are reported in overseas as a second-line treatment.

②Patients with peripheral arthritis
For patients without anterior chest wall pain, synovitis, sacroiliac or spine lesions (axial arthritis),

Try administration of sulfasalazine (no approval in insurance), methotrexate (no approval in insurance) and for patients who do not have improvement after three months period, TNF inhibitors (no approval in insurance) can be applied.

③Patients with axial arthritis (with pain at sacroiliac joint and neck /back /buttock) who do not react to NSAID

There is a case where TNF inhibitors (no approval in insurance) is used as the first-line. Methotrexate is often reported not effective for axial arthritis.

Colchicine and sulfasalazine (both are not approved in insurance) are used for patients who do not react to NSAIDs or for patients with light symptoms of arthritis for whom NSAIDs does not work.

④Patients with both arthro-osteitis and skin symptoms

(i) Patients with strong symptoms of PPP
Retinoids is highly effective for PPP patient who has PPP symptoms in wide area. However, etretinate used in Japan has possibility of promoting bone proliferation in joints, so it is not prescribed in Japan especially for arthro-osteitis.

(ii) PAO resistive of normal PPP treatment
For patients who do not react to standard treatment of PPP and PAO, we review the use of bisphosphonates, IL-1 inhibitor, IL-12/23 inhibitor, IL-17 inhibitors (they are not covered by medical insurance)

In 2018, anti-IL-23 p19 monoclonal antibody (Guselkmab) is approved by Japanese Drug Agency and covered by medical insurance first time in the world. This biologic drug is now added as treatment for strong symptoms of skin disease as well as arthro-osteitis.

Intra-articular injection

The effectiveness of local injections of steroids for sternoclavicular and sternocostal joints is reported.

Treatment for focal infections

As one of the causes of PAO, the existence of chronic infection is listed. Especially the inspection of tonsillitis, periodontitis and sinusitis is very important.

1.Chronic tonsillitis

The patients who had recurrent tonsillitis in childhood or currently have irritable pain in tonsil are recommended to receive the proper inspection. In some cases, tonsillectomy is effective.
2.Periodontal infections
When the treatment of “Tooth Root” (extraction of tooth nerve, cleaning of gum) was not done well nor enough and chronic infection exists, the extraction of focal tooth is reported to be effective. Thus it is important that dentist and your doctor work together for this treatment.

3.Chronic sinusitis

In some cases where chronic sinusitis is considered as a cause of PAO, the coworking with otolaryngologist is required.

Thus, the existence of “chronic infection” at any part of your body are reported to cause PPP and PAO and to worsen the symptom of those diseases. We highly recommend to inspect the existence of focus of infection in your body.

Physiotherapy (Rehabilitation)

For prevention of chest wall and spine contracture (limited mobility of joints) and ankyloses (bone fuses), stretching and exercising are highly recommended.


Due to the lack of treatment guidelines of PAO (internationally and also in Japan), it is very important that you continue your treatment by accepting sufficient explanation by your doctor.


1) Joseph F Merola UpToDATE 2018 Topic 99510 Version 2.0

Dr. Tsuji Article

