PPP Experts
PPP is a common disease in Japan and studies on PPP have been conducted by various medical professionals including otolaryngologist, dermatologists and dentists.
Here we introduce the experts of dermatologists (PPP Club members) as well as PPP experts in the related fields. Those experts share the same goal to establish an appropriate treatment strategy and to develop a new treatment method based on these aforementioned study findings.
These medical experts would be very helpful in treatment of PPP by not only providing physical examinations to the patients, but also giving appropriate advice to attending physicians.
PPP Experts
皮膚科 Dermatologists
PPP倶楽部メンバー / Members of PPP Club
Division of Cutaneous Science
Department of Dermatology
Nihon University School of Medicine
Tokyo, JAPAN
Department of Dermatology
Fukushima Medical University
Fukushima, JAPAN
Department of Dermatology
Tokyo Medical University
Tokyo, JAPAN
Department of Dermatology
Seibo International Catholic Hospital
(Psoriasis Clinic / Tokyo Women’s Medical University)
Tokyo, JAPAN
宮崎大学医学部解剖学講座組織細胞化学分野 客員教授
神奈川歯科大学歯学部病理組織形態学講座 客員教授
あつた皮ふ科クリニック 院長補佐
Non-profit Organization for Transdisciplinary Research on Diseases (NOTRD), Yokohama, Japan
Visiting Professor, Dept of Anatomy, Histochemistry and Cell Biology
Miyazaki University, Miyazaki, Japan
Visiting Professor, Dept of Environmental Pathology
Kanagawa Dental University, Yokosuka, Japan
Assistant director
Atsuta Skin Clinic, Nagaoya, Japan
℡ 025-282-7010
1205-4, Nagata, Chuo-ku, Niigata-City,
Niigata, JAPAN
Department of Dermatology
National Hospital Organization Kyoto Medical Center
Kyoto, JAPAN
Department of Dermatology
Ichikawa General Hospital
Tokyo Dental College
Chiba, JAPAN
Department of Dermatology
Kochi Medical School, Kochi University
Kochi, JAPAN
廣仁会・札幌乾癬研究所 所長
Asahikawa Medical University
Research Institute of Psoriasis
Hokkaido, JAPAN
皮膚疾患ケア看護師制度 スペシャリティナース
Dermatological Nurse
Skin Disease Care Nurse System, Specialty Nurse
Seibo International Catholic Hospital
Tokyo, JAPAN
リウマチ科 / 整形外科
Rheumatologists / Orthopedic surgeon
日本脊椎関節炎学会 元理事長
Internal Medicine and Rheumatology
Graduated from Juntendo University School of Medicine
Juntendo University Koshigaya Hospital
Saitama, JAPAN
Former Chairman (2017.9.~2019.8.)
the Japan Spondyloarthritis Society
日本生命病院整形外科 副部長
Public Interest Incorporated Foundation
Nippon Life Saiseikai
Nippon Life Hospital, Orthopedics
Osaka, JAPAN
腎臓リウマチ膠原病内科 准教授
Department of nephrology and Rheumatology
Kyorin University School of medicine
Tokyo, JAPAN
耳鼻咽喉科 Otolaryngologist
社会福祉法人北斗病院 特別顧問 難聴・耳手術センター長
Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Asahikawa Medical University
Hokkaido, JAPAN
Special Advisor
Deafness / Ear Surgery Center Director
Hokuto Social Medical Corporation
Hokkaido, JAPAN
頭頸部癌先端的診断・治療学講座 特任准教授(兼務)
Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
Asahikawa Medical University
Hokkaido, JAPAN
歯科 / 歯科口腔外科
Dentists / Dental Oral Surgeons
Department of Dentistry and Oral Surgery
Tokyo Women’s Medical University Yachiyo Medical Center
Chiba, JAPAN
℡ 047-423-3051
Zenri Dental and Medical Clinic
8-31-15, Miyamoto, Funabashi-City,
Chiba, JAPAN
東京都新宿区西新宿3-14-16 きくちビル1F
℡ 03-5388-4071
東京医科歯科大学 非常勤講師
Kikuchi Dental Clinic
1F, Kikuchi Building, 3-14-16, Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku,
Tokyo, JAPAN
(Graduate School, Tokyo Medical and Dental university)
東京都中央区日本橋馬喰町1-5-4 中庄ビル3F
℡ 03-3662-8371
3F, Nakasho Building, 1-5-4, Bakuro-cho, Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku,
Tokyo, JAPAN
大坂歯科大学 非常勤講師
National Hospital Organization
Osaka Minami Medical Center
Osaka, JAPAN
東京都世田谷区南鳥山4-12-8 新生堂ビル3F
℡ 03-3326-3362
東京医科歯科大学歯学部 臨床教授
接触機能保存顎 / 歯科アレルギー外来
Matsumura Dental Clinic and Bright Dental Clinic
3F, Shinseido Building, 4-12-8, Minami Toriyama, Setagaya-ku,
Tokyo, JAPAN
Clinical Professor
Graduate School, Tokyo Medical and Dental university / dental material allergy
Support Members
リウマチ科/整形外科 Rheumatologists / Orthopedic surgeon
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Morinomiya Medical University Graduate School of Health and Medical Sciences
Osaka, Japan
Department of Dermatology, Orthodedic Surgery
Tokyo, JAPAN
高知大学医学部附属病院 内分泌代謝・腎臓膠原病内科リウマチセンター 非常勤講師
Kochi Medical School Hospital
Kochi University
Kochi, JAPAN
歯科・歯科口腔外科 Dentists / Dental Oral Surgeons
℡ 052-363-3366
1-7, Hosokome-cho, Nakagawa-ku, Nagoya-city,
Aichi, JAPAN
新潟大学医歯学総合病院 冠ブリッジ科
Division of Bio-Prosthodontics
Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences
Department of Fixed Prothodontics
Niigata University Medical and Dental Hospital
Niigata, JAPAN
℡ 052-433-4488
Kasmori・Oshimura Dental・Orthodontic Dentistry
Oral Function Clinic
8-306, Karasumori-cho, Nakamura-ku, Nagoya-city,
Aichi, JAPAN